Employer Branding



July 23, 2024

Creating Effective Employer Branding Content: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Employer branding is a game-changer for companies eager to stand out and impact how job seekers and employees view their workplace.

Creating engaging employer branding content is needed for storytelling, particularly of a company's leadership, employer value proposition, culture, and benefits.

This guide will walk you through a step-by-step process to create compelling employer branding content.

Whether you are new starters with employer branding or looking to improve your existing strategy, this guide offers practical insights and actionable tips to help you achieve maximum impact.

Understanding Employer Branding Content

What is Employer Branding and Why is It Important?

Employer branding is the way a company presents itself to job seekers and employees. It's the image that shows what it is like to work there. This includes the company's culture, values, and benefits. When people think of an employer, this branding shapes their thoughts.

A well-established employer brand improves the overall view of the company. Job seekers are more likely to apply to a company they perceive positively. Employees are also more likely to stay longer, reducing the costs associated with recruiting and onboarding new staff.

The Role of Content in Employer Branding

Content shapes employer branding in many ways, these include:

  1. Shaping Employer Branding: Content presents the company's brand story, influencing how potential hires perceive the company and piquing their interest in applying.
  2. Visualizing Team Integration: Content helps candidates visualize what being part of the team would be like. Original content creates a connection, making the company more relatable.
  3. Demonstrating Commitment to Growth: Content that shares achievements and career opportunities demonstrates a company’s commitment to growth and development.
  4. Reflecting Values and Mission: Well-crafted content reflects the company’s values and mission, attracting candidates with the same vision.
  5. Creating a Lasting Impression: Effective content creates a lasting impression, making the company a desirable workplace.

Together, these roles make employer branding very effective by building a strong, and attractive image for the company.

Key Elements of Employer Branding Content

Employer branding content includes several important components:

  • Employee Testimonials: Real experiences from employees that provide a genuine view of the workplace.
  • Company Culture: Stories and visuals that show daily life, team, and company events.
  • Career Development Opportunities: Information on growth potential and career advancement.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Efforts: Examples of the company’s commitment to the community and ethical practices.

These elements together build a comprehensive picture of a company's brand heart, that will appeal to potential employees and strengthen its employer brand.

Typical Steps for Creating Effective Employer Branding Content

1. Define Your Employer Brand

Conduct an Employer Brand Audit to Understand Your Current Branding Perception

The first step in creating effective employer branding content is to conduct an employer brand audit. This involves gathering feedback from current and former employees to understand how they perceive the company.

It's essential to analyze company reviews on job sites to see what outsiders think about the company as well. This process helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Identify Your Unique Value Proposition

A unique value proposition (UVP) tells potential employees why they should choose your company over others. To create a strong UVP, start by looking at what makes your company special, such as benefits, work culture, or career opportunities.

Gather feedback from employees to understand what they value most. Ensure your UVP aligns with the company’s mission and values.

This attracts the right talent who share your vision and helps your company stand out.

2. Set Clear Objectives

Define Your Goals

Setting clear goals is vital for establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, you might aim to increase job applications, improve the candidate experience, or enhance the company’s reputation.

These goals provide direction and help measure the success of your branding efforts. With clear goals, every piece of content can be tailored to achieve these specific objectives.

Research Your Audience

To create effective employer branding content, it's important to know your audience. Identify the demographics and preferences of your target candidates. Then tailor your content to address their needs and interests.

Use surveys and analytics to gather insights into what potential employees are looking for. This research ensures that your content resonates with the right people and effectively communicates the benefits of working at your company.

3. Develop a Content Strategy

Plan Your Content Themes

Choosing the right themes for your employer branding content creation is important. Focus on company culture code, employee advocacy/stories, career growth, and community involvement.

Company culture code can cover workplace values and dynamics. Employee advocacy/stories share personal experiences and achievements. Career growth highlights training and career paths. Community involvement shows charity events and sustainability efforts.

Use a content calendar to keep posts organized and regular, ensuring a steady flow of content that keeps your audience engaged and informed.

Choose The Right Content Types

Creating diverse content types keeps a company's employer branding fresh and engaging. Consider using the following formats:

  • Blog Posts: Share in-depth stories and insights about the company.
  • Videos: Capture real moments and provide a dynamic view of the workplace.
  • Social Media Updates: Connect with a broad audience quickly and informally.
  • Infographics: Present data and achievements in a visually appealing way.

Ensure each content type fits the theme and platform where it will be shared. Mixing different formats can reach a wider audience and maintain their interest in your employer brand.

4. Create Engaging and Genuine Content

Create content that resonates by sharing real employee stories through interviews and testimonials. Ensure content is informative and engaging, using simple language that reflects the company’s values and mission.

Use authentic photos and videos of actual employees and workplace activities. Highlight diversity and inclusion by featuring employees from various backgrounds.

Align all content with the company’s core values to build trust and strengthen the employer brand. This approach appeals to a broad audience and maintains their interest.

5. Optimize for Different Platforms and Social Media

Tailor content for each platform to reach the right audience. LinkedIn suits professional updates, while Instagram is perfect for visuals. Use features like Instagram stories, X (formerly Twitter) posts, LinkedIn articles, and Facebook Live to engage users.

Maintain a consistent brand voice across all channels and respond promptly to comments and messages. This shows the company values interaction and helps build positive relationships. Optimizing content for each platform enhances employer branding efforts effectively.

6. Monitor and Measure Results

Track Key Metrics

To measure success, track engagement rates such as likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates on social media. Also, monitor the number of job applications that go through your recruitment pipeline to the number of job offers, to gauge content effectiveness.

Use analytics tools to gather detailed data and insights. This data and statistics help identify which content performs best and what needs improvement, ensuring your brand strategy is effective and targeted.

Gather Feedback

Feedback from candidates and employees is valuable for improving employer branding content. Collect feedback through surveys sent to job applicants and new hires.

These surveys can include questions about their perception of your company. Focus groups can also be useful for in-depth discussions. Interviews with employees can provide further insights.

Incorporate this feedback into future content strategies to ensure your branding efforts resonate with your target audience and meet their expectations.

Adjust Your Strategy

Analyzing performance data and feedback allows companies to make informed adjustments to their content strategy. Look at the data on engagement, applications, and social media performance.

Create more of the content that performs well, and rethink content that doesn't engage your audience. Make data-driven adjustments to continuously refine and improve your strategy.

Regularly updating your approach ensures it stays aligned with your goals and audience preferences, maintaining the effectiveness of your employer branding efforts.

7. Foster a Continuous Improvement Mindset

Stay updated on industry trends and best practices to keep your employer branding fresh. Encourage innovation and experimentation with new content ideas.

Regularly review strategies to identify what works and make necessary adjustments. Involve employees in brainstorming sessions for diverse perspectives. Use candidate and employee feedback to inform changes.

Being open to change and adapting methods ensures continuous improvement, keeping your employer brand strong and attractive to top talent.

Recap of Key Ideas

Creating effective employer branding content involves defining your employer brand through initiatives such as audits and unique value propositions. Setting clear objectives, like increasing job applications, and understanding your audience is essential.

Developing a content strategy with planned themes and diverse content types, such as blogs and videos, is vital. Engaging content should include real employee stories and highlight diversity. Optimizing for different platforms and social networks ensures a wider reach.

Monitoring results and gathering feedback refine your strategy. Finally, continuous improvement keeps your branding content fresh and relevant.


How can employer branding content improve the recruitment or onboarding process?

Employer branding content sets expectations for new hires, providing an inside look into the company culture, values, and work environment. This helps new employees feel welcomed and prepared, easing their onboarding. Positive branding content leads to higher engagement and satisfaction, boosting productivity from day one.

What is an employer value proposition, and why is it important for employer branding content?

An employer value proposition (EVP) is a unique set of benefits like career growth and work-life balance a company offers to its employees in return for their skills and commitment. A strong EVP is essential for employer branding content as it helps attract and retain top talent by clearly communicating what makes the company a great place to work.

Why is diversity and inclusion important in employer branding?

Diversity and inclusion enhance company culture and reputation. They bring different perspectives, making the workplace more innovative. Highlighting diversity attracts a broader talent pool. An inclusive environment promotes fairness and respect, improving employee satisfaction and retention.

How can showcasing company culture in employer branding content attract job seekers?

Company culture impacts job seekers' views of potential employers. Sharing values, team events, and employee stories shows the work environment. This intel helps candidates see if they fit in, building trust and attracting those who resonate with the company's ethos.

How can current employees contribute to effective employer branding content?

Employees contribute to employer branding content by sharing their employee journey, and positive experiences on social media. Their stories and testimonials offer genuine insights into the company culture. This authenticity attracts job seekers looking for a trustworthy and engaging workplace.

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